Thursday, December 24, 2015

What Makes Islamic State Villain of the Same Faith It Wishes to Propagate?

It is marauding march of merciless Islamic State all the way, destabilizing the civic societies! Where will this bloody trail of mindless mayhem and pillaging will stop – nobody is in position to say right away!

Sooner it will be all those countries where believers of twisted interpretation of Islam reside and then second wave will engulf those countries where so far there is no Islamic presence. 
For IS Eid Celebrations are Un-islamic: The Islamic State has declared Id as un-islamic and also declared the some of the Hajj rituals and activities un-Islamic and idolatry in Nature. 

The end of Ramadan brings a feast known as Eid al-Fitr - Festival of Breaking the Fast. It is second only to the Haj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, in importance. It is a time for enjoying the luxuries of life while thanking Allah for them. Muslims dress in their best clothes, decorate their homes and enjoy friends and family. ISIS apparently had a problem with a happy holiday. According to Kurdish news source Rudaw, ISIS has issued a warning to the residents of the Iraqi city to avoid Eid al-Fitr prayers.  Earlier reports had emerged that the ultra-radical group, on similar grounds, had banned Mosul residents from performing the traditional Taraweeh prayers during Ramadan. Isis had claimed that the practice was a fad invented by Saudis. 

According to the Kurdish news site, Rudaw, the terrorists have forbidden the celebration of Eid al-Fitr. ISIS claims that Eid al-Fitr is “not an original Islamic practice,” and was not observed by Mohammad. 

Other Rituals that violate the Quran & Will be Targeted by IS:

The ‘Black stone’: All throughout the Quran God commands us to stay away from stone and alters, yet during the visit to the Ka’bah, and at one of its corners, Muslims from all over the world push and shove their way ferociously to get to what is called ‘the black stone’ in order to touch it and kiss it, believing that the stone has the power to heal them, save them or bless them!

The water of ‘Zamzam’: The idolatry does not stop there, the devil has indeed instilled in the human being the worship of objects that cannot benefit him nor harm him. A further idolatrous superstition is connected to the water of ‘Zamzam’ which can be obtained in the Kaaba and which Muslims believe it to be sacred and to cure one’s ailments! 

The Stoning Ritual: Another issue that is considered by Muslims to be an integral ritual of the Hajj is the stoning of Satan. Not only is this ritual not mentioned in the Quran, but in actual fact there is ample evidence in the Quran to suggest that the stoning is an act done by the idol worshippers (11:91, 18:20, 19:46, 36:18). All the correct rituals of Hajj are mentioned in the Quran, yet the stoning is not a Quranic ritual of Hajj.

The Hajj Garments: It has been a tradition that in Hajj men should wear two seamless white wrappings, one worn around the waist and the other thrown loosely over the shoulder. Also nothing made of metal may be worn to the extent that even a safety pin may not be used to tie the wrappings together! An islamic scholar observes, “When we look closely at this deep rooted tradition we find that not only does it contradict the wisdom of the Quran, but it also violates a clear Quranic verse. When we contemplate the wisdom of the Quran, we clearly realise that on no occasion is a dress code a requirement of any ritual or form of worship.”

Visiting The Prophet's Tomb in Medina: Most of today's Muslims make it a custom to visit the Prophet Muhammad's tomb in the masjid that carries his name in Medina. According to IS by doing that they are committing the most flagrant acts of idolatry and thus nullify their Hajj. Hajj is meant to be for God alone! Hajj is older than the prophet Muhammad himself. Abraham and his descendants performed Hajj, they did not have a prophet's tomb to visit. The prophet Muhammad himself did his Hajj the correct way without dedicating his Hajj to anyone else besides God. 

For IS Some Hajj Rituals are Un-islamic: 
The months which God tells in 2:197 are designed for hajj are four months: Sadly, Muslims today allow hajj only during the first 10 days of the month of Zhu Al-Hijjah. When asked why they disregard the Quranic law of 2:197 they say because the hadith says otherwise! 

IS Challenges many integral Hajj activities! One misconception that has no origin in the Quran is the claim that Hajj wipes out all previous sins. There are numerous hadith that say that whoever observes the Hajj returns without sins! Not only does this false concept has no origin in the Quran, but it is also a grave intrusion on God"s Will. We are told in the Quran that God being the Most Merciful may wipe out some of our sins or He may wipe out all of them for whom He pleases. However, to claim any knowledge of the application of God"s Mercy is undoubtedly a grave sin. Had we been told in the Quran that there is one single deed (as Hajj) that would wipe all our sins in a package deal, then we would have had reason to believe in such a concept. Needless to say, there is no such thing in the Quran. 

Another muslim scholar holds that, “The Hajj is documented in history as being solely of Arab pagan origin. Muslim myth says that Abraham performed the Hajj but it was corrupted down through the ages and then Muhammad came along and restored it to its original purity.” But this also is myth because the history of the Hajj has only a pagan history before Muhammad. He further says that, “It is clear that Muhammad took these pagan practices and assigned them new meanings, never before imagined.” 

Why Muslims of the World will Oppose IS: 
Since followers of IS have such unshakeable, unquestionable and uncompromising belief in what they are doing to be correct, there will be long drawn clashes amongst different groups of ‘believers’ considering only their interpretation and practice of Islam to be true. So called ‘Non-believers’ will only be collateral damage in such conflicts.

The Muslims of the day have accepted in sincerity the teachings of the Holy Book. They have also been observing certain rituals and following certain practices they have grown-up to take as integral to Islam known to them.

Imagine Christianity without Christmas!  ISIS’ ban of Eid al-Fitr is like the Westboro Baptists banning Christmas. It’s huge. And it has real Muslims up in arms. One outraged believer’s outburst is, “May Allah curse you terrorists. You are not fighting for Islam; you are fighting for the devil. Allah protects us... Allah, stop these terrorists from making Islam so bad! Wake up Muslims, put a stop to these idiots, they are trying to build their own religion.”  Another comment in same context derides IS saying that, “Typical for ISIS to impose their view upon everybody they control. And if that view changes next year, everybody has to celebrate again. Oh well!”    

Resistance Against Twisted Interpretation: 
The murmuring of Muslims world over has started against the twisted and tangled interpretation of Islam by Islamic State! There are also stories doing rounds about the un-islamic acts by the fighters of the IS including its own self-declared Caliph – Abu Bakr-al-Baghdadi. He recently tells fighters to gang rape women saying sex with multiple jihadis makes them Muslim. This type of conversion to Islam was hitherto not heard or practiced. The sickening letter, circulated amongst the group's warped fighters, states that a woman automatically becomes Muslim if she is raped by at least 10 different ISIS fighters. His fighters will obviously enjoy this assignment (!), the true Muslims will squirm uncomfortable to this thought if not out rightly challenge this self-styled caliph! 

It is just not philosophical but also pragmatic and practical belief that what has started within will also end within! Solution will come from Islam only. Till then, long days of fright, fear and frustration for the sane society!