Sunday, February 7, 2010

Third Dimension of Terrorism: UAVs

What 9/11 proved in USA was that terrorism is not related to field only! It spread its wings in the air. Hijacking of aircrafts is thing of the past in which certain degree of violence was involved. How a ‘violence oriented perverted mind’ can think-of knows no limit! The terrorists speedily migrated from use of small arms, bombs and grenades to IEDs, and NCB (Nuclear, chemical and biological) materials. The world has seen in recent past decisive shift in the terrorists’ approach to ways and means to unleash violence. India shall not remain unaffected to this change.

We have seen the third dimension of Terrorism during 26/11 in Mumbai. The entire world took note of it. That terrorists will actually use the sea-route was not conceived by Indian establishments specially intelligence agencies! Even when LTTE was for decade using the sea-route to land arms on Indian shores and even when since many decades smugglers used the sea-route with impunity for smuggling narcotics, gold and arms-and-ammunition, this incident came as surprise to security forces in India. Even when there was writing on the wall about potential use of sea-route by terrorists, we failed to read! The “Blue Water Capability” of ’LTTE-on-the-run’ was indicative of similar capability which was to be extended to ‘sate sponsored terrorism’ of Pakistan brand.

The last week has been full of rumors that the terrorists are planning to strike India using aerial routes such as gliders, micro-lights etc beside using small aircrafts. We have prepared ourselves to effectively counter such attempts is beyond doubts. But one fact needs everyone’s attention and that is the potential use of UAVs (Unmanned Arial Vehicles) by the terrorists. While doing research for an article for one Defense Year Book, I gleamed through certain alarming facts related to UAVs used by USA in Afghanistan and Baluchistan. There are reports that not all the UAVs sent there are accounted-for! There were thousands of them sent for reconnaissance and attacks on Taliban hideouts. It is believed that Pakistan army was in control of part of them. Some of them were actually used there but few of them are believed to have been spirited away. Even the UAVs under control of US Army in Baluchistan and Afghanistan are not fully accounted for. The discrepancies noticed are not officially reported and the investigation to trace their where-about is underway in very secretive manner.

The mysterious disappearance of these UAVs has posed great threat to the security of India. These UAVs will create havoc if Talibans and the terrorists of other hues get control over them. The intelligence agencies must take note of these possibilities and ensure that Pakistani and American activities related to UAVs remain under close watch. The security forces must also take note of these developments and prepare themselves to combat threats emanating from such possibilities. There detection and counter response needs to be upgraded accordingly.