Monday, July 11, 2011

Pre Event Media Interview by Capt SB Tyagi in the Energy Infrastructure Security Conference at Kualalumpur, Malayasia

What do you view as the key threats to energy infrastructure, especially in context of increasing interoperability?

Interoperability has been boon and bane both – depending on which side you are looking at it! For infrastructures it gives multiple choices, ease of operations, and integration of technologies. But, it also creates multiple vulnerabilities, ease of strikes and selection of targets for the saboteurs and miscreants. The most vulnerable targets to energy infrastructures would be its supervisory controls and the people managing them!

How will technology and efficiency shape the new critical assets security future and what cyber threats are Asia’s energy firms most susceptible to?

It can never be over emphasized that the technology increases the efficiency of people. However, personal efficiency is not always dependent on technology alone as efficiency is personal trait and it is mindset which makes some people more efficient then others. Thus, getting right technologies for ‘naturally’ efficient people in operations of key infrastructures is the necessity. The multiple cyber threats coupled with the vulnerabilities of SCADA System will remain most susceptible to security breaches which can be stopped only if technologies are sturdy.

As the case with Japan, natural disasters are a significant threat to the energy infrastructure. What are some of the other human and natural threats to the energy infrastructure in Asia?

Human are the worst enemy of the nature. It can not control the nature but keeps interfering with it in most dangerous manner! The catastrophic swings of nature causing floods, famine, tornados and tsunamis are on increase. If it makes any sense, almost all the major civilizations and mythologies mention end of human race by ‘mega floods”. Energy infrastructures' worst natural threats are in shape of floods, tsunamis, tornados and earthquakes!

From an investment point of view, what would you identify as the safest nations to invest in for energy projects? Why are they attractive?

It is question; businessmen are best equipped to answer.

In your view, what are the untapped opportunities for energy infrastructure security in Asia?

Sea, wind and sun are nature’s blessing to human kind! We are yet to explore the endless possibilities for their use in energy generation.

Going forward how will energy infrastructure security in the region evolve by the year 2020 and where will most of the emphasis be in terms of energy infrastructure security?

Fossil fuel is bad word in today's world! Oil will remain under cloud, though Gas will have many takers. Even disastrous example of Japan’s latest damages to its nuclear power plants, the nuclear energy would be preferred option. The security of these energy infrastructures would require balance of technology empowering the human elements of security management apparatus. The future is in us –human beings - for if we think that technologies will solve our problems, then either we do not understand the technologies or we do not understand our problems!